Report abuse

Anyone can make a confidential report of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Be prepared to provide the child’s name, address, approximate age, and situation.

Call 9-1-1 if a child is in immediate danger.

Call the FCS Hotline (800) 856-5553, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you suspect a child is being harmed.

Submit Suspected Child Abuse Report (BCIA 8572) within 36 hours of the verbal report if you are a Mandated Reporter. See Mandated Reporter details.  

Identify abuse:  Recognize the different types of child including physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 

Baby surrender

Don't abandon your baby. Any parent or person with lawful custody can safely and confidentially surrender a baby without fear of prosecution, within 72 hours of the child's birth.

Find out how to safely and confidentially surrender a baby.

24-hour emergency & crisis assistance

Talk lines and in-person support are available to parents, foster families, and caregivers of youth in crisis. See Family Services for resources.